OMPOSITION 成分葡萄糖浆,氢化油,脱脂奶粉,乳化剂,稳定剂。Glucose syrup,partially hydrogenated vegetable fat, skimmed milk powder, stabilizer:E340,milk proteinSENSORY REQUIREMENTS 感官要求外观:粉末,无结块。 颜色:白色到淡黄色。口感:纯正,典型,无异味。滋气味:纯正,典型,无异味。Appearance: Powder, free from lumpsColor: White to pale yellowTaste: pure, typical free from off-tasteOdor: pure, typical free from off-flavors or off-odorsCHEMICAL 理化指标脂肪 Fat ≥25%蛋白质 Protein ≥7%水分 Moisture ≤ 5.0%灰份 Ash ≤ 8.0%密度 Density 12-18g/100cm3PH值 PH 6.0-8.0焦颗粒指数 Scorched Particles Disc A-BMICROORGANISM 微生物指标细菌总数 Total plate count ≤20000cfu/g大肠杆菌 Coliform ≤100 MPN/g肠杆菌 Enterobacteriacea ≤10 MPN/g葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus ≤10 MPN/g霉菌和酵母菌 Moulds and Yeast ≤200MPN/g沙门氏菌 Salmonella NegativeSHELF LIFE 保质期24个月。24 months in final product with original packing
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