FTM篮式研磨机Characteristics:●Predispersion with a dissolver disc and grinding with a milling basket in one machine and one container●No pumps, piping, valves, additio
nal co
ntainers etc. are required●Easy cleaning and minimum product loss when changing the product●Little grinding media required●Double walled milling basket and double walled co
ntainer for cooling an heating●High circulation rates even with highly viscous products due to the dissolver disc and pump wheel●Excellent grinding results●Particularly high throughput rates●Low energy requirement●No dead areas due to effective millba
se circulation●Specially designed co
nstruction of basket and rotor ensure non me
tal pollution for the material.●Design of blocking spare parts make it much more co
nvenient to disassemble, maintain and overhaul, there is little need of professio
nal maintainer.Technical specification:
Type | Voltage (V) | Power (Kw) | Speed (rpm) | Batch Volume (L) | Basket Volume (L) | Lifting Height (mm) |
FTM-50 | ~380 | 2.2 | 0~1500 | 10~50 | 1 | 400 |
FTM-100 | ~380 | 4 | 0~1500 | 30~100 | 2 | 500 |
FTM-200 | ~380 | 7.5 | 0~1500 | 50~200 | 4 | 600 |
FTM-250 | ~380 | 11 | 0~1500 | 80~250 | 6 | 700 |
FTM-350 | ~380 | 15 | 0~1500 | 150~350 | 10 | 800 |
FTM-500 | ~380 | 18.5 | 0~1500 | 200~500 | 16 | 900 |
FTM-1000 | ~380 | 22 | 0~1500 | 400~800 | 20 | 1000 |
FTM-1500 | ~380 | 30 | 0~1500 | 800~1200 | 30 | 1100 |
FTM-2000 | ~380 | 45 | 0~1000 | 1000~2000 | 70 | 1300 |
FTM-3000 | ~380 | 55 | 0~1000 | 1000~3000 | 100 | 1500 |
FTM-3500 | ~380 | 75 | 0~1000 | 1000~3500 | 180 | 1600 |