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核磁管清洗器(5管位)for 3mm或5mm

品牌: Kimble
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-12 16:34
浏览次数: 851

 核磁管清洗器(5管位) 适合3mm或者5mm管的清洗,可容纳7英寸或8英寸的管。—— 一款高效NMR管清洗器。


5-Place NMR Tube Washer for 3mm and 5mm Tubes, Accommodates 7” and 8”Length Tubes

This design uses flexible PTFE tubing to direct a power wash stream of wash solvent to clean the inside of NMR tubes. A vacuum

source (user supplied) is required. An o-ring is slipped over each tube to form a vacuum tight seal and is removed after washing. The complete unit is provided with a one liter reservoir bottle and all wetted parts are PTFE or borosilicate glass. When all tubes are positioned for cleaning, the wash valve is configured to either wash or dry; this action may easily be repeated, and cleaned tubes can be quickly removed for use.


897033-0003  3mm Tube Washer 

897033-0005  5mm Tube Washer 


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