切片机热销|弘通石化|无锡切片机 转鼓结片机是一个冷却结晶过程,料盘中熔融料与冷却的转鼓接触,在转鼓表面形成料膜,通过料膜与股壁间的换热,使料膜冷却、结晶、结晶的料膜被刮刀刮下,成为片状产品。转鼓干燥是通过转动的转鼓,以传热的方式,将附在转鼓外壁的物料或带状物料进行加热干燥的一种连续操作的过程。 设备特点性能达到年代国外设备水平The performance is of same level with im
ported equipment设有侧刮刀,避免转鼓侧端积料It is set with side scraper which avoids material accumulatingon side of the drum side product material设备结构紧凑,占地面积小Compact structure of the equipment with small floor area半管夹套式料盘,安全可靠Semi-pipe jacketed tray which is safe and reliable雾化冷却,冷却效果好Atomization cooling with good cooling effect无级变速,转鼓转速可调Infinitely variable speed and adjustable drum speed转鼓精度高High precision of the drum适应范围广,操作简便、灵活Wide application scope with easy and flexible operation采用多组刮刀,调节灵活Many groups of scrapers are used which realize flexible regulating多功能,既可结片又可干燥Multi-functio
nal for flaking and drying 联系人:熊树伟电话:0510-82950968手机:13338110818