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品牌: 上海众野
商品型号: A28W
产品规格: A28W
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 50
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-06-26 05:29
浏览次数: 717

系列 Series
A28H-10 A28Y-10P A28Y-10R8 A28Y-25R8 A28Y-40R8 A28H-16 A28Y-16P A28Y-16R8 A28Y-25R8 A28Y-40R8
A28H type are used for the equipment and pipeline of  the air, N2, H2 mixed gas vapour etc.medium what the working temp-erature are less than 200 . A28Y-P/10R8 type are used for the equipment  and pipeline of the quality with corrode medium what the working temperature are less than 200 . Take for extra pressure protedion devices.
主要零部件材料 Explanation of materials for main parts
NO. Name of part A28H Materials A28Y-P Materials A28Y-R8       Materials
1   Body HT200 ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti CF8M
2   Nozzle 35 ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti CF8M
3    Adjusting ring 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 316
4   Disc 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 316
5   Spring 50CrVA 50CrVA Coated Teflon 50CrVA Coated Teflon
6   Stem 2Cr13 2Cr13 316
7  Adjusting bolt 45 2Cr13 316
8    Cap ZG200-400 ZG200-400 CF8M
  Sealing surface of material D507
Depositing D507
Depositing stellite
10  Adjusting nut Q235-A 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti
   Sealing surface of material "Y" Co Depositing stellite, "H" D507 Depositing D507, "W" body
外形尺寸和连接尺寸 Dimensions (mm)
Nominal diameter
DN (mm)
 Dimensions (mm)
do Rc G L L1 H
15 10 1/2" 3/4" 37 62 189
20 12 3/4" 1" 40 65 196
25 15 1" 11/ " 
45 72 277
32 20 11/ "  1 55 85 312
40 25 11/ "  2" 67 100 322
50 32 2" 21/ " 
76 112 348
65 40 21/ "  3"  110 135 370
80 50 3" 4"  110 145 410


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