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品牌: 吉祥
商品型号: QQ377197022
产品规格: QQ377197022
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-05-21 12:23
浏览次数: 794


l        气泡膜又称气垫膜、汽珠胶,汽泡卷等等,使用低密度聚乙烯加工而成,是当前普遍使用的一种透明软包装材料,用途广泛。其原理是以薄膜包含空气使之形成汽泡来防止产品撞击,确保产品受到震动时起到保护作用,同时亦有保温隔热的作用,适合各行各业的不同产品包装或周转之用!由于气垫膜中间层充满空气,所以体轻,富有弹性,具有隔音,防震、防磨损的性能,它防水,防潮,抗压. 汽泡袋又分单面和双面两种,单面汽泡袋适宜保护自身重量较轻的产品,双面汽泡袋防震力强适合体积较大较重之物品包装。单、双面汽泡袋均适合各行业产品的包装如做袋、切片。单、双面汽泡袋可设防静电汽泡袋,以及不同颜色、印刷.还可复合其它材料增加保护性及美观。我公司专生产汽泡膜(宽度10cm---150cm)及汽泡袋,薄膜。它有很好的防震防潮性, 热合性, 抗冲击性, 可防止产品受到磨损, 该产品透明度好等优点。广泛使用于家用电器,精密仪器,自行车,电话机,计算机,家私,玻璃,瓷器等产品上的包装.可根据厂家的要求定做大小汽泡袋,选择使用我厂的产品,一定不会让您失望. 如有需要,请于我联系。谢谢!可根据客户要求,制做加工各种规格成包装袋,包装片,宽度50cm---130cm.

The bubble film also known as the air cushion film, steam beads glue, bubble volume and so on, the use of low density polyethylene and processing, is the current widespread use of a transparent flexible packaging materials, a wide range of uses. Its principle is based on the film contains air to form bubble to prevent the collision products, to ensure that the product is subjected to vibration play a protective role, but also has heat insulation function, suitable for all sectors of the packaging or different products turnover by! As the middle layer filled with air cushion film, lightweight, flexible, with sound insulation, shockproof, anti-wear performance, it is waterproof, moisture-proof, compressive. Bubble bag is divided into single-sided and double-sided two, single-sided bubble bag suitable to protect their lighter products, double bubble bag for earthquake force large size heavy goods packaging. Single, double bubble bags are suitable for all products packaging industry such as bag, sections. Single, double bubble bag can be fortified static bubble bags, as well as the different color, printing. Can also be combined other materials increased protection and beautiful. Our company specially produce bubble film ( width 10cm---150cm ) and bubble bags, film. It has a good shockproof moisture resistance, heat resistance, impact resistance, it can prevent the products subject to wear, the product of good transparency and other advantages. Widely used in household appliances, precision instruments, telephone, computer, bicycle, furniture, glass, porcelain and other products on the packaging. According to manufacturer 's request customized size and bubble bags, choose to use our plant products, we will not let you disappointed. If necessary, please contact me. Thank you! According to customer requirements, production processing a variety of specifications into packaging bags, packaging film, the width of 50cm---130cm.


品种小泡(0.5cm)/中泡(1.0cm/1.5cm)/大泡(2.5cm)本品为大汽泡,直径25mm,有单 双面两种,具有良好的防震作用.我公司应客户要求,生产5mm,直径的汽泡袋,此产品外观优美,防震性能好,深受海外客户的一致好评,欢迎来电咨询减轻运输过程的冲击 避免静电主要用于精密的仪器及集成电路板的包装用于各种电子电器、仪器、仪表、钟表、自行车、玻璃、陶瓷、器皿、乐器、工艺品、皮鞋等的内包装。还被大量用于手袋箱包的弹性对衬里,工业生产的隔音、隔热材料、农用保温材料、水产养殖的漂浮设备,体育用品的防护垫,衬垫等等。其管棒大量用于空调、童车、儿童玩具、家私等行业。




特性: 1.全部由聚乙烯材料制成 2.轻便,使用简单和安全 3.能很好的保护货物 4.环保,可回收再利用 5.减震、耐冲击、无毒、防潮、耐腐蚀、较好的透明性   规格: 1.气泡直径:5毫米,10毫米,20毫米,25毫米,30毫米 2.宽度: ≤150cm 3.我们可以根据客户的要求生产各种规格、各种颜色,根据客户要求包装 4.可以印刷图案和文字 5.可以制成防静电或复合其它的材料,也可以制成多种类型的袋子   用途:广泛用于电子、仪器仪表、手工艺品、玻璃器皿、陶瓷、家具

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