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微波解冻 冷冻牛肉 冷冻羊排羊腿 冷冻猪缓化设备 微波解冻设备厂家

品牌: 科弘
商品型号: KH-40HMTN3
产品规格: KH-40HMTN3
单价: 180000.00元/
起订: 1
供货总量: 10
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 山东 济南市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-04-09 05:17
浏览次数: 819


Microwave thawing in high frequency electromagnetic wave radiation effects, the vibrations of polar molecules and elastic collision, the surrounding molecular friction heat, the heating mode is generated from the product material, using this method to temperature and thawing food has the advantages of low production cost, high efficiency, no bacterial growth and small footprint advantages, the other method is incomparable.


The main characteristics of microwave thawing:


1, thawing fast speed, high efficiency


Because the microwave can penetrate the material directly heated, does not need the conduction process, a 25 kg of meat from -15 degrees to -4 degrees only needs 2 minutes to complete, is the time to "thaw" time to "minutes".


2, investment saving, environmental protection and no pollution


Save a lot of shelf required because of the natural thawing and space, can be thawed in the packaging, to reduce the health and environmental requirements, and avoids the waste of water resources was frozen. As in a dried beef processing factory has 8 wells, 24 hours of continuous water from underground, can offer thawing workshop use. This is on water resources and waste. While the thaw after the formation of the oil containing sewage, and sewage treatment increased the burden, also caused the fat class material loss.


3, ensure the nutritive material, no corruption.


Because the microwave thawing for cold machining process, avoid the machining process of the bacteria to multiply and material thawing liquid exudation, reduce the loss rate of meat. In the microwave thawing process in 915MHZ than 2450MHZ due to longer wavelengths, the penetration ability is stronger, more suitable for processing large pieces of food materials, the frequency is more suitable for the thawing process.


Microwave thawing temperature adjusting device has been very popular in the application of foreign food enterprises, rapid development of the food industry is also gradually used in our country, with the rapid development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living level, the focus of food quality requirements for food safety guarantee for people's attention. At the same time, environment and resource requirements are not allowed to processing the extensive mode of existence, so the thawing traditional can not adapt to the development of modern food processing enterprise requirements. In order to meet the demand of food processing enterprises in China, through continuous research and exploration, to develop microwave with the leading domestic level of thawing temperature returning equipment, microwave frequency is 915MHZ, the output power is more than 20kw-200kw, fully able to meet the requirements of quality, production of different products. Compared with the microwave equipment has the advantages of less investment, easy operation and maintenance; compared with the traditional way of thaw has the advantages of low investment, high efficiency, low operation cost, high product quality, the advantages of convenient operation and control. Microwave thawing food processing enterprises thawing preferred, but also the direction of the development of China's food thawing technology.

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