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优势供应Thies Armatur安全阀—赫尔纳(大连)公司

品牌: Thies Armatur
单价: 2145.00元/
起订: 1
供货总量: 1000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 辽宁 大连市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-21 21:24
浏览次数: 664

      优势供应Thies Armatur安全阀德国赫尔纳(大连)公司



德国Thies Armatur安全阀公司创立于1932年,主要生产THIES Armatur安全阀,THIES Armatur橡胶球阀。THIES Armatur安全阀公司的创新服务具有悠久的家族传统Offering a fully integrated manufacturing and delivery system, our family company will ensure top quality, reliability, speed and flexibility. 。提供的产品具有高品质,可靠性,速度和灵活性,Throughout the world, our partners put their trust in our state-of-the art technologies, as we are continuously adapting to the latest standards in innovation quickly and efficiently.合作伙伴遍布世界各地。1965年获批生产捷斯高效安全阀,采购获国际认证。

Company history at a glance:

1932 Founding of company WALTER THIES in Hannover-Wülfel.

From 1965 Type approvals for THIES-High-Efficiency-Safety Valves. Procurement of international approvals. Expansion of export activity.

1972 Production department split-off to form an independent company: THIES Armatur GmbH & Co KG.


THIES Armatyur安全阀,THIES Armatur橡胶球阀

Thies Armatur阀门性能:

THIES Armatur安全阀性能:结构简单,可靠,能量损失小的特点。关闭压差优势力大,耐腐蚀轴衬套,密封面耐磨。

材质:铸铁,球墨铸铁,铸钢,不锈钢。Favourable closing pressure differential. No auxiliary lifting required for 341 + 356/357 + 390/391 + 392/393 series. Corrosion-resistant spindle bushes.

THIES Armatur橡胶球阀性能:从结构上可分为:止回阀,换向阀,座阀,浮阀,重力阀,连接方式为法兰连接和套筒连轴式。压力等级:PN16

Thies Armatur阀门部分型号:Available in: grey cast iron, spheroidal graphite iron, cast steel and stainless steel

THIES Armatur安全阀部分型号:341356/357360/361390/391/392/393

THIES Armatur橡胶球阀部分型号:400/401402/403

赫尔友道,融中纳德 --- 我们杜绝假货,我们价格低廉,我们保证品质!


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