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RANDOX 英国朗道肉类和水产毒性检测试剂盒

商品型号: R-SZ2147
产品规格: R-SZ2147
单价: 3500.00元/
起订: 1
供货总量: 100
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-16 21:02
浏览次数: 652



There are several different types of veterinary drugs used in meat and seafood cultivation to reduce mortality and improve production. Within the livestock industry the various types of drugs include growth promoters and synthetic steroids to produce leaner meat, anthelmintics and coccidiostats to combat parasitic worms and flukes, and in both the meat and seafood industries, bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. Within the aquaculture industry triphenylmethane dyes are often used for the treatment of fungal and protozoal infections. Residues of these drugs are highly regulated in food production.

Randox Food Diagnostics provides reliable and economical screening methods to monitor antimicrobials, growth promoting compounds, synthetic steroids, anthelmintics, coccidiostats and triphenylmethane dyes. For further information on each of our meat & seafood ELISAs and arrays, click on the links below.

RANDOX 英国朗道肉类和水产毒性检测试剂盒一览:

Equl货号 品名 单位 说明
R-ZP3483 RANDOX齐帕特罗(盐酸齐帕特罗)检测试剂盒 ZILPATEROL ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NT2105 19-去甲睾酮/群伯龙检测试剂盒 19-Nortestosterone ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SU2148 RANDOX β-兴奋剂类检测试剂盒 Beta-agonist ELISA EA 96 tests
R-BL3448 RANDOX 牛奶检测 β-内酰胺类抗生素检测(Beta-lactam Antibiotics) EA 96 Tests
R-RLS9222 RANDOX 组织中的杆菌肽( Bacitracin in tissue) EA 96 Tests
R-SJ2152 Randox二苯乙烯ELISA试剂盒 Stilbenes ELISA EA 96 tests
R-CB1418 Randox克伦特罗ELISA试剂盒 CLENBUTEROL ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3465 Randox呋喃唑酮ELISA试剂盒 AOZ ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3463 Randox呋喃妥因ELISA试剂盒 AHD ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3462 Randox呋喃它酮ELISA试剂盒 NITROFURANS AMOZ ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3461 Randox呋喃西林ELISA试剂盒 SEM ELISA EA 96 tests
R-QL3454 Randox喹诺酮ELISA试剂盒 Quinolones ELISA EA 96 tests
R-EC3473 Randox恩诺沙星/环丙沙星ELISA试剂盒 EA 96 tests
R-AV3477 Randox阿维菌素ELISA试剂盒 Avermectins ELISA EA 96 tests
R-TCS10117 四环素检测试剂盒 Tetracycline SENSITIVE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-OXS10118 土霉素检测试剂盒 Oxytetracycline SENSITIVE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-DXS10119 多西环素检测试剂盒 Doxycycline SENSITIVE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-LMG3466 孔雀石绿检测试剂盒 Leucomalachite Green ELISA EA 96 tests
R-CN1469 氯霉素检测试剂盒 Chloramphenicol ELISA EA 96 tests
R-DM2156 皮质类固醇激素检测试剂盒 Corticosteroids ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SQ2145 磺胺喹噁啉检测试剂盒 Sulphaquinoaxaline ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SZ2147 磺胺嘧啶检测试剂盒 Sulphadiazine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-TB2106 群勃龙检测试剂盒 Trenbolone ELISA EA 96 tests
R-RT3451 莱克多巴胺ELISA Ractopamine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-STP3468 链霉素检测试剂盒 Streptomycin ELISA EA 96 tests






RANDOX兽药检测试剂盒 抗生素类

R-SQ2145 磺胺喹噁啉检测试剂盒 Sulphaquinoaxaline ELISA EA 96 tests
R-QL3454 Randox喹诺酮ELISA试剂盒 Quinolones ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3463 Randox呋喃妥因ELISA试剂盒 AHD ELISA EA 96 tests
R-PB3456 苯基丁氮酮(保泰松)/羟基保泰松检测试剂盒 Phenylbutazone ELISA EA 96 tests
R-OXS10118 土霉素检测试剂盒 Oxytetracycline SENSITIVE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-FQ3460 氟甲喹检测试剂盒 Flumequine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3461 氨基脲(SEM)检测试剂盒 SEM ELISA EA 96 tests
R-AV3477 Randox阿维菌素ELISA试剂盒 Avermectins ELISA EA 96 tests
R-AFB3511 黄曲霉毒素B1检测试剂盒 Aflatoxin B1 ELISA EA 96 tests
R-CN1469 氯霉素检测试剂盒 Chloramphenicol ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3465 Randox呋喃唑酮ELISA试剂盒 AOZ ELISA EA 96 tests
R-STP3468 链霉素检测试剂盒 Streptomycin ELISA EA 96 tests
R-TCS10117 四环素检测试剂盒 Tetracycline SENSITIVE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-DXS10119 多西环素检测试剂盒 Doxycycline SENSITIVE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-BL3441 Randox β- 内酰胺ELISA 试剂盒 BETA-LACTAM ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SM2146 Randox 磺胺二甲嘧啶ELISA试剂盒 Sulfamethazine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-EC3473 Randox恩诺沙星/环丙沙星ELISA试剂盒 EA 96 tests
R-FQ3460 Randox氟甲喹ELISA试剂盒 FLUMEQUINE ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3462 Randox呋喃它酮ELISA试剂盒 NITROFURANS AMOZ ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3461 Randox呋喃西林ELISA试剂盒 SEM ELISA EA 96 tests

RANDOX兽药检测试剂盒 激素类

R-ZP3483 齐帕特罗(盐酸齐帕特罗)试剂 ZILPATEROL ELISA EA 96 tests
R-BF10035 Beta受体兴奋剂固体试剂 Beta-Agonist FAST Urine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-TB2106 群勃龙检测试剂盒 Trenbolone ELISA EA 96 tests
R-RT3451 莱克多巴胺ELISA Ractopamine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-LMG3466 孔雀石绿检测试剂盒 Leucomalachite Green ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SZ2147 磺胺嘧啶检测试剂盒 Sulphadiazine ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NF3462 3-氨基-5-吗啉代甲基-2-恶唑烷酮检测试剂盒 AMOZ ELISA EA 96 tests
R-NT2105 19-去甲睾酮/群伯龙检测试剂盒 19-Nortestosterone ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SU2148 β-兴奋剂类检测试剂盒 Beta-agonist ELISA EA 96 tests
R-DM2156 皮质类固醇激素检测试剂盒 Corticosteroids ELISA EA 96 tests
R-BD2382 勃地酮检测试剂盒 Boldenone ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SJ2152 Randox二苯乙烯ELISA试剂盒 Stilbenes ELISA EA 96 tests
R-RLS9225 乙炔雌二醇检测试剂盒 ETHINYLESTRADIOL ELISA EA 96 tests
R-SW2418 Randox司坦唑ELISA试剂盒 Stanozolol-ELISA-Kit EA 96 tests
R-ZR2421 Randox玉米赤霉醇ELISA试剂盒 Zeranol ELISA EA 96 tests
R-CB1418 Randox克伦特罗ELISA试剂盒 CLENBUTEROL ELISA EA 96 tests

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