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Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000硬度测量仪

品牌: 德国HEYL
商品型号: Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000
产品规格: Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-16 01:47
浏览次数: 571

Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000硬度测量仪由谷雨公司供应。硬度测量仪试剂TH2005、TH2025、TH2100、TH2250可根据测量量程选。
TH2005、TH2025、TH2100、TH2250,Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000硬度测量仪价格货期,请咨询谷雨公司。

德国Heyl 硬度测量仪德国Heyl 硬度测量仪Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000水硬度测试仪Testomat ECO
Testomat ECO® determines water hardness fully automatically via
It is ideal as a cost-effective alternative to Testomat 2000® for monitoring
and controlling the water quality of water treatment and drinking-water
Performance profile:
• Two-line LCD for displaying text and a self-explanatory, menu-driven
operating interface
• Programmable hardness unit in °dH, °f, ppm, CaCO3 and mmol/l
• Accurate titration via piston-dosing pump
• Reliable low maintenance operation
• Minimum reagent and water consumption
• Two adjustable limit values with programmable switch functions
• Analysis initiation:
– automatic interval operation (0–99 min.)
– quality-dependent (impulse water meter)
• The monitoring of the analysis run and error message, e.g. low water
• External analysis suppression “STOP”
• A 500 ml reagent storage bottle for extended operating periods
• Analogue terminal 0/4–20 mA for a recorder
• Menu navigation with international language selection:
= German
PL = Polish
= English
E = Spanish
= French
I = Italian
= Dutch
Technical data:
Power Consumption:
max. 30 VA
Protection class:
IP 65
Ambient Temperature:
10–45 °C (50-113 °F)
Water Temperature:
10–40 °C (50-104 °F)
Operating Pressure:
0.3–8 bar
approx. 9.0 kg
Dimensions (W x H x D):
380 x 480 x 280 mm
Measuring ranges: 0.05-25 °dH Water hardness

ECO可测定水中的总硬度,测量结果通过LCD显示,并以 °dHppm CaCO3mmol/l 等单位表示。尤其适合水质软化监测,逆渗透系统,过滤及去除矿物质过程控制,广泛应用于制药、钢铁、半导体等行业。ECO具有420mA模拟电流输出和2组控制继电器输出。依实际需求,可选择不同的测量周期如设置间隔,水量控制或外部讯号控制达到最合理的测量方式,达到监测的控制功能。
采用精密的活塞定量泵进行试剂滴定,每滴为30微升,注定非常精确,从而保证测量理准确。每一个测量周期大约需要35滴试剂,非常节省试剂,运行费用非常低。在线硬度检测仪请根据需要选择相就量程药剂: (500ML可测试5000次)
参数 试剂 0dH(分辨率) 0f(分辨率) ppm CaCO3(分辨率) mmol/l(分辨率)
水质硬度 TH2005 0.05–0.500.01 0.09 – 0.890.02 0.89 – 8.930.2 0.01 – 0.090.01
水质硬度 TH2025 0.25 – 2.500.05 0,45 – 4.480.1 4,47 – 44.70.9 0.04 – 0.450.01
水质硬度 TH2100 1.0 – 10.00.2 1.79 – 17.90.4 17.9 – 1793.8 0.18 – 1.790.04
水质硬度 TH2250 2.5 – 25.00.2 4.48 – 44.80.4 44.8 – 4483.8 0.45 – 4.480.04
符合标准: EN50081-1, EN50082-2, EN 61010-1
测量范围: 根据选择试剂确定
LCD显示     1、分析数值及警告信息,如水压太低等 2、监测过滤器的容量。
继电器输出: 两组可程序设定点。需清洁测定槽或补充药剂的警报输出点.
输出: 0/4 - 20 mA, 最大负载350欧姆
进水水压/水温: 0.1 - 3bar 10 - 40 °C
环境温度: 10 - 45 °C
继电器触点容量: 4 A
电源: 230 V24 V
功率: 最大30VA
防护等级: IP 65
主机安装: 壁挂式
尺寸(W x H x D: 380 x 480 x 280 mm
重量: 大约10.5 kg

德国Heyl 硬度测量仪德国Heyl 硬度测量仪Testomat ECO/Testomat 2000

水硬度测试仪Testomat 2000原厂资料:
The Testomat 2000® automatically determines water hardness,
carbonate hardness, the p-value or the minus m-value via titration. It is
ideal for monitoring the water quality of water treatment, water blending
and drinking-water plants. Monitoring and quality control of softening
plants with and without blending (Testomat 2000® reagent TH 2005–2250)
Monitoring and quality control of decarbonisation plants (Testomat 2000®
reagent TC 2050–2100) Measuring acidic values in decarbonisation and
desalination plants (Testomat 2000® reagent TM 2005) Monitoring of
steam boilers (Testomat 2000® reagent TP 2100).
Performance profile:
• 4-line LCD display for text display and the self-explanatory, menu-
driven operating interface
• Accurate titration via piston-dosing pump
• Reliable low maintenance operation
• Minimal reagent and water consumption
• Programmable hardness unit in °dH, °f, ppm, CaCO3 and mmol/l
• Two adjustable limit values with programmable switch functions
• Analysis initiation:
– dynamic
– automatic interval operation (0–99 min.)
– quality-dependent (impulse water meter)
– external initiation and suppression
• The monitoring of the analysis run and error message, e.g. low water
• Reagent storage bottle 500 ml for extended operating periods
• All parts in contact with water or reagent are made of a corrosion-
resistant material.
• Plug-in card RS 910 for printer connection
• Plug-in card SK 910 for electricity interface 0/4-20 mA, galvanically
• Booster Pump
• Data Logger for Testomat 2000®
Technical data:
Power Consumption:
max. 30 VA
Protection class:
IP 65
Ambient Temperature:
10–45 °C (50-113 °F)
Water Temperature:
10–40 °C (50-104 °F)
Operating Pressure:
0.3–8 bar
approx. 9.5 kg
Dimensions (W x H x D):
380 x 480 x 280 mm

Testomat 2000系列其他机型:

铁离子监测器 Testomat 2000 Fe 0 - 1.0 mg/l
Fe FE2005A &FE200B 工业水除铁系统及饮用水中测定二价及三价溶解铁。

自由余氯监测器 Testomat 2000 CLF 0 - 2.5 mg/l
Cl2Free CL2250A/B/C&
CL2205A/B 用于保护RO逆渗透或是饮用水与游泳池水质监测。

总余氯监测器 Testomat 2000 CLT 0 - 2.5 mg/l
Cl2Total CL2250A/B/C&
CL2205A/B 用于保护RO逆渗透或是饮用水与游泳池水质监测

总硬度与余氯监测器 Testomat 2000 THCL 8.9 - 89.5 ppm
0 - 2.5 mg/lCl2 CL2250A/B/C; TH2025 在RO逆渗透前的进水,避免因硬度太高而阻塞或是余氯过高而伤害薄膜。

双量程硬度监测器 Testomat 2000 DUO 0.89 - 895ppm
CaCO3 TH2005/2025TH2100/2250/TH2500 客户可自行选择两种需要的测定项目及标准测量范围。

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