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EMS150T 镀膜仪

品牌: EMS
商品型号: 150T
产品规格: 150T
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 11
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-14 00:53
浏览次数: 577


EMS150T的机壳是整体成型的,结构坚固耐用,配有气冷的70L/S的涡轮分子泵,自动进气控制保证了溅射期间最佳的真空水平,真空腔室直径为165mm并带有防爆装置。EMS150T具有“真空闭锁”功能,可在设备不工作时维持腔室的真空度,从而保证高真空的性能。EMS150T系列全自动高真空离子溅射/热蒸发一体化镀膜仪给用户以类似傻瓜相机的简单操作、顶级的镀膜质量和对熟手/新手都很理想的用户界面,让用户真正领略至臻完美的镀膜品质! 根据不同的应用方向,EMS150T细分为三个型号:EMS150TS高分辨率溅射镀膜仪High Resolution Turbomolecular Pumped Sputter Coater,可溅射易氧化和不易氧化金属,可选各种溅射靶材,包括场发射电镜常用的铱和鉻。EMS150TE高真空镀碳仪,可制作高稳定的碳膜和表面覆形膜,是TEM应用最理想的选择。EMS150TES:集合了离子溅射和热蒸镀两种真空沉积镀膜方式,镀膜头可在几秒内快速更换,只能逻辑系统自动识别所装的镀膜头类型,并显示相应的操作模式。注:上述各型号都可配备如下可选的附件:金属蒸镀、碳丝蒸镀、膜厚测量等触摸屏控制:EMS150T操作十分简单,直观的触摸屏,即使最不熟练的操作者也可以自由操作,同时可方便的键入和存储数据。为了方便使用,设备中已经预存一些了典型的溅射和蒸发镀膜参数资料。镀膜插入头选项:具有一系列可互换、即插即用的镀膜插入头溅射插入头适用于易氧化和不易氧化金属材料,直径57mmX0.3mm厚鉻靶为标准靶材可用另外的溅射插入头来快速更换镀膜材料(仅为TS和TES型号)适用于3.05mm碳棒蒸发插入头适用于6.15mm碳棒蒸发头,建议使用3.05mm直径的碳棒,它们更容易控制、更经济碳丝蒸发插入头金属蒸发和光阑洁净头,包括向上蒸发或向下蒸发(仅为TE和TES型号)样品台选项EMS150T具有各种易更换的样品台,drop-in落入式设计具高度可调(除旋转行星台)。标准配置为旋转台, 直径为50mm可预设倾斜角度的旋转台(可选)可变角度旋转行星台(可选)可用于4〞晶圆的平面旋转台(可选)显微镜载玻片样品台(可选)其它选项用于高样品的加高腔室膜厚监测器(FTM)用于测量低和高真空的全范围真空计特点和优点:金属溅射或碳蒸发或两者兼备:一体化设计,节约空间精细颗粒溅射:高分辨率场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)制样的精细镀膜应用涡轮分子泵高真空系统:允许不氧化贵金属和易氧化其它金属靶材的溅射镀膜,大大拓宽了可溅射靶材范围,既适合普通SEM、高分辨率FE-SEM镀膜制样应用,也为许多薄膜应用等材料科研领域提供理想的镀膜平台全自动触摸屏控制:快速数据输入,简单操作可储存多个客户自定义镀膜方案:对多用户实验室十分理想与镀膜过程和镀膜材料相匹配的预编程自动真空控制精细的厚度控制:使用膜厚监控选项“智能”式系统识别:自动感知用户所装的插入式镀膜头的类型高真空碳蒸镀:对SEM和TEM镀碳膜应用非常理想蒸发电流波形控制Drop-in落入式快换样品台(标配旋转台)真空闭锁功能:可让工作腔室处于真空状态,改善后续真空效果,或在真空条件下保存样品镀制厚膜能力:一次真空条件下的溅射时间可长达60分钟(材料科研领域的应用)人体工程学设计的整体成型机壳:易维护和易拆装带有本地FTP服务器连接的以太网端口:简单的程序更新设有功率因素补偿,有效利用电能,降低运行成本符合当前电器法规(CE认证)EMS150T仪器参数:
仪器尺寸 585mm宽*470mm*410mm高(总高650mm)
重量 33.4KG
工作腔室 150mm(内径)*127mm(高)硼硅酸盐玻璃腔室,并带整体安全防护罩
触摸屏用户界面 带有触摸按钮的全图像界面,包含多达十个镀膜程序,可提醒何时需要维护
工作腔室 150mm(内径)*127mm(高)硼硅酸盐玻璃腔室,并带整体安全防护罩
样品台 转速为8-20rpm的旋转台
真空系统 涡轮子分子泵:带有内部空气却的涡轮分子泵,抽速为70L/s 旋转机械泵:抽速为50L/m的两级旋转机械泵,带有油污过滤器
真空测量 皮拉尼真空计作为标配
极限真空度 10-5mbar两级
电源需求 90-250V~50/60Hz 1400VA( 包括旋转机械泵电压240V)
气体 溅射工作气体氩气,99.999%(TS和TES版本);氮气,放气破真空气体(可选)
金属蒸发和光阑清洁头 用于源自钨丝篮或舟的金属热蒸发。可配备一个标准钼舟用于清洁SEM或TEM光阑
碳蒸发 稳定的无纹波直流电源控制的脉冲蒸发,确保源自碳棒或碳丝的可重复蒸碳
电流脉冲 1-90安培
溅射 0-150mA。可预设膜厚(需FTM选项)或使用内置定时器
溅射工作真空范围 5*10-3到5*10-1mbar
溅射靶材和碳耗材供应 EMS150TS和EMS150TES标配铬靶,但可选用的其它靶材范围很宽,包括那些广泛用于SEM制样的靶材,如:Au金靶,Au/pd金钯,Pt铂靶,和Iridium铱靶。对非SEM应用,可选用的靶材包括:AI铝,Ta钽,ITO氧化铟锡,Fe铁,W钨,Ti钛,等等:碳制品包括高纯度碳棒和碳丝纤维
货号 产品名称
3390 EMS150T E Turbomolecular pumped carbon evaporator suitable for TEM and SEM applications. Fitted with a carbon rod evaporation insert for 3.05mm Ø carbon rods. Supplied with carbon rods (3.05mm Ø x 300mm) and a carbon rod shaper (manual operation)
3380 EMS150T S - High resolution turbomolecular pumped sputter coater, including a 54mm Ø x 0.3mm chromium target
3400 EMS150T ES - High-resolution turbomolecular pumped sputter coater, including a 57mm Ø x 0.3mm chromium target and high vacuum carbon rod evaporation coater for 3.05mm Ø carbon rods.
91003 Edwards RV3 50L/s two-stage rotary pump, with vacuum hose, coupling kit and oil mist filter
货号 产品名称
3200 Sputtering head insert suitable for oxidizing and non-oxidizing metals. Supplied with a 54mm x 0.3mm thick chromium target as standard. For additional targets see Sputtering Targets section
3210 Additional sputter insert for quick metal change. Note: this is an entire sputtering assembly.
3230 Carbon rod evaporation head insert (for 3.05mm Ø rods)
3240 Carbon rod evaporation head insert (for 6.15mm Ø rods). Note that EMS recommends 3.05mm Ø rods as they offer greater process control and are more economical (less wastage).
3250 Carbon fiber evaporation head insert
3260 metal evaporation and aperture cleaning head insert, including the ability to evaporate upwards or downwards (T E and T ES
versions only). Supplied with a pack of ten tungsten filaments and a molybdenum boat.
3270 Extended height vacuum chamber (214mm high – the standard chamber is 127mm high). For increased source to sample distance and for coating large specimens
3280 Vacuum spigot allows more convenient connection of the vacuum hose to the rear of the EMS150T when bench depth is limited
3290 Film thickness monitor (FTM) attachment. Consists of a built in chamber mounted quartz crystal oscillator (includes crystal). As sputtered or evaporated material is deposited onto the crystal, so its frequency of oscillation is modified. This ‘modification’ is used to measure and control the thickness of material deposited
3300 Spare quartz crystals. Pack of three
3320 Full range vacuum gauge for low and high vacuum measurement (a low vacuum Pirani gauge is fitted as standard)
4513 Glow discharge insert to modify surface properties (eg hydrophobic to hydrophilic conversion) or to clean surface residues (TS and T ES only). Can be retrofitted
3600 metal evaporation basket - pack of 10 (for use with metal evaporation head)
3610 Two-year spares kit for EMS150T S
Includes: chromium target, glass cylinder, carbon fibre cord, quartz crystals, O-rings
3620 Two-year spares kit for EMS150T E
Includes: chromium target, glass cylinder, carbon fibre cord, carbon fibre - fine, carbon rods 3.05mm, quartz crystals, O-rings
3630 Two-year spares kit for EMS150T ES
Includes: chromium target, glass cylinder, carbon fibre cord, carbon fibre - fine, carbon rods 3.05mm, quartz crystals, O-rings
货号 产品名称
3330 Rotation stage, 50mm Ø (supplied as standard). This stage only rotates – no tilt or height adjustment
3340 Rotate-tilt specimen stage with adjustable tilt (up to 90 degrees) and height (37mm-60mm). Tilt angle can be pre-set. 50mm Ø specimen platform with six stub positions for 15mm or 6.5mm or 1/8" pin stubs. Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm
3350 Variable angle “Rotacota” rotary planetary stage with 50mm Ø specimen platform. Has six stub positions for 15mm or 6.5mm or 1/8" pin stubs. Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm
3360 Flat rotation specimen stage for 100mm / 4” wafers, includes gearbox for increased coverage. Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm
3370 Rotating specimen stage for glass microscope slides (up to two x 75mm x 25mm slides). Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm. Includes gear box to allow optional FTM to be used
货号 产品名称
3410 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Gold
3411 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Gold/Palladium (80/20)
3412 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Platinum
3413 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Nickel
3414 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Silver
3415 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Palladium
3416 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Copper
3417 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Chromium
3418 57mm Ø x 0.5mm Tungsten
3419 57mm Ø x 1.5mm Chromium
3420 57mm Ø x 0.2mm Tungsten
3421 54mm Ø x 1.5mm Carbon
3422 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Aluminium
3423 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Platinum/Palladium (80/20)
3424 57mm Ø x 1.5mm Titanium
3425 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Platinum/Palladium (80/20)
3426 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Gold
3427 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Gold/Palladium (80/20)
3428 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Platinum
3429 57mm Ø x 0.5mm Titanium
3430 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Iron
3431 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Iridium
3432 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Cobalt
3433 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Tin
3434 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Molybdenum
3435 57mm Ø x 0.3mm Magnesium
3436 57mm Ø x 0.1mm Tantalum
3437 57mm Ø x 3mm Indium Tin Oxide (90/10)
3500 Carbon rods – 6.15mm Ø x 100mm length (unshaped) pack of 10
3510 Carbon rods – 6.15mm Ø x 50mm length (shaped) pack of 10
3520 Carbon rods - 3.05mm Ø x 50mm length (shaped) pack of 10
3530 Carbon rods 3.05mm Ø x 300mm length (unshaped) pack of 10
3540 Carbon fibre cord - high purity - 1m
3550 Carbon fibre cord - high purity - 5m
3560 Carbon fibre cord - standard grade - 1m
3570 Carbon fibre cord - standard grade - 10m
3580 Carbon fibre cord - standard grade - 100m
3590 Manual rod shaper for 6.15mm Ø carbon rods
3595 Manual rod shaper for 3.05mm Ø carbon rods

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