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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-08-19  来源:华中农业大学
核心提示:近日,华中农业大学小麦团队苏汉东教授课题组在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》杂志发表了“Centromere plasticity with evolutionary conservation and divergence uncovered by wheat 10+ genomes”的研究论文。该研究通过全球小麦育种计划10+基因组材料的公共数据揭示了小麦着丝粒进化多样性和功能保守性的协调机制,为着丝粒功能的可塑性提供新见解。
  近日,华中农业大学小麦团队苏汉东教授课题组在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》杂志发表了“Centromere plasticity with evolutionary conservation and divergence uncovered by wheat 10+ genomes”的研究论文。该研究通过全球小麦育种计划10+基因组材料的公共数据揭示了小麦着丝粒进化多样性和功能保守性的协调机制,为着丝粒功能的可塑性提供新见解。
  苏汉东课题组主要聚焦于小麦染色体生物学和合成基因组学的研究,探索小麦远缘杂交和多倍化的遗传机制,并利用人工染色体进行植物合成基因组学的探索。已在PNAS、Plant Cell、Genome Research、PLOS Biology、Molecular Biology and Evolution、Plant Biotechnology J、New Phytologist、Plant Journal、PLOS Genetics等领域内知名学术期刊发表研究论文20多篇。
  英文摘要:Centromeres are the chromosomal regions that play a crucial role in maintaining genomic stability. The underling highly repetitive DNA sequences can evolve quickly in most eukaryotes, and promote karyotype evolution. Despite their variability, it is not fully understood how these widely variable sequences ensure the homeostasis of centromere function. In this study, we investigated the genetics and epigenetics of centromeres in a population of wheat lines from global breeding programs. We captured a high degree of sequences, positioning, and epigenetic variations in the large and complex wheat centromeres. We found that the most CENH3-associated repeats are Cereba element of retrotransposons and exhibit phylogenetic homogenization across different wheat lines, but the less-associated repeat sequences diverge on their own way in each wheat line, implying specific mechanisms for selecting certain repeat types as functional core centromeres. Furthermore, we observed that CENH3 nucleosome structures display looser wrapping of DNA termini on complex centromeric repeats, including the repositioned centromeres. We also found that strict CENH3 nucleosome positioning and intrinsic DNA features play a role in determining centromere identity among different lines. Specific non-B form DNAs were substantially associated with CENH3 nucleosomes for the repositioned centromeres. These findings suggest that multiple mechanisms were involved in the adaptation of CENH3 nucleosomes that can stabilize centromeres. Ultimately, we proposed a remarkable epigenetic plasticity of centromere chromatin within the diverse genomic context, and the high robustness is crucial for maintaining centromere function and genome stability in wheat 10+ lines as a result of past breeding selections.
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