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Food Research International:无麸质面包的口腔加工与质感动力学研究

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-04-29
  * 市售无麸质面包在机械性能和口腔行为方面有所不同。
  * 低硬度和高弹性的面包被认为是柔软和有弹性。
  * 易碎和沙质的感觉与面团中的小颗粒有关。
  * 唾液吸收量低导致面包出现紧实感。
  * 糊状感和黏性感与面团的粘性和黏性有关。
  在这项研究中,西班牙农业化学与食品技术研究所(IATA-CSIC)的P. Puerta、L. Laguna、B. Villegas等人分析了5 种市面上出售的无麸质面包和两种普通面包的质地、面包屑结构和水分含量。测定了3 次咀嚼后面包团的粒径、吞咽点的团块特性和口腔活动。采用感觉的时间优势评价方法(temporal dominance of sensations,TDS),对面包食用过程中的质感动力学进行了评价。
  Oral processing and dynamics of texture perception in commercial gluten-free breads
  Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA-CSIC), Agustín Escardino, 7, Paterna, Valencia, Spain
  There is an increasing demand for gluten-free products, with the texture being a critical aspect. The aim of this work was to study the food bolus properties of gluten-free breads in relation to the dynamics of sensations perceived during its consumption. In this study, five-commercial gluten-free breads and two regular breads were analysed for their texture, crumb structure, and moisture content. Bread bolus particle size after three chews, bolus characteristics at the swallowing point, and oral activity were determined. The dynamics of textural sensations during bread consumption was evaluated using the temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) technique. Texture and structure properties vary among gluten-free breads being some of them close to regular breads (crumb with more and smaller cells that shows low hardness and high springiness) that lead to different in-mouth breakdown and TDS patterns. At the beginning, harder breads with low springiness values resulted in hard dominant sensations, in contrast, breads with low hardness and high springiness values were perceived soft and spongy. Breads that fragmented into a greater number of small size particles created crumbly and sandy sensations, characteristic of gluten-free breads with large air cell sizes. Compact sensation appeared in breads with low saliva uptake during bolus formation, while pasty and sticky sensations were related to a cohesive and adhesive bolus, respectively. Not only structure and mechanical properties, but also its oral behaviour in terms of fragmentation and bolus formation can fully explain the dynamics of texture perception of gluten-free breads.
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