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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-09-29  来源:世界农业科技博览会

       Date:11 October 2024, 13:30 - 18:20   


       Venue: Pinggu Jinhai Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
  Main Forum 1
  13:30-14:40主题:气候变化下如何保障粮食安全与营养健康 Ensuring Food Security and Nutritional Health Under Climate Change
  主持人:David Nabarro 
  Chair前联合国秘书长粮食安全特使,2018年世界粮食奖得主Former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Food and Nutrition2018 World Food Prize Laureate
  Lindiwe Majele Sibanda  
  国际农业研究磋商组织系统委员会主席Chairman of CGIAR Systems Board, African Food Prize Laureate
  刘永好 Liu Yonghao  新希望集团董事长Chairman of New Hope Group
  Baboucarr Manneh   CGIAR西非和中非区域主任兼非洲稻米研究所总干事Director General of AfricaRice
  Lisa Moon   
  全球食物银行网络总裁兼首席执行官President and CEO of the Global FoodBanking Network
  Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted   
  2021年世界粮食奖得主2021 World Food Prize Laureate
  Song Weiping   
  北京大北农科技集团股份有限公司总裁President of Da Bei Nong Group
  Bram Govaerts
  国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)总干事Director General of International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
  Main Forum 2
  全体会议 二
  14:40-15:50主题:如何更好地推动农食系统低碳转型Advancing the Low-carbon Transformation of AgriFood Systems
  主持人:樊胜根Chair:Fan Shenggen   
  中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院院长、国际农业研究磋商组织董事Dean of the Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy (AGFEP) at China Agricultural University (CAU),CGIAR System Board member
  赵春江 Zhao Chunjiang  中国工程院院士Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
  Yvonne Pinto  国际水稻研究所(IRRI)总干事Director General of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
  Qin Yinglin牧原集团董事长
  Chairman of Muyuan Foods Group
  Martien Van Nieuwkoop   
  比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会农业发展主任Director of Agricultural Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  Simeon Ehui   国际热带农业研究所(IITA)所长Director of International Institute for Tropical Agriculture(IITA)
  叶笑风Ye Xiaofeng诺和新元亚太区地球健康生物解决方案副总裁
  Global Vice President of Novonesis
  Ousmane Badiane   
  AKADEMIYA2063 执行主席 AKADEMIYA2063 Executive Chairman
  Rattan Lal   
  国际土壤学联合会主席、2020年世界粮食奖得主(视频)Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science2020 World Food Prize Laureate (Video)
  茶歇15:50-16:00Networking Coffee Break
  Main Forum 3
  全体会议 三
  16:00-17:10主题:农业自然资源与生物多样性保护Protection of Agricultural Natural Resources and Biodiversity              
  主持人:Arthur Mol  Chair瓦赫宁根大学前校长Former Rector  of Wageningen University and Research
  徐  克  Xu Ke伊利集团副总裁Vice President of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group
  Appolinaire DjikengCGIAR总干事兼国际家畜研究所所长Director General of International Livestock Research Institute
  Stefanos Fotiou   联合国食物系统中心主任Director of the United Naitonsl Food System Hub
  梅永红   Mei Yonghong华大集团执行董事、战略委员会主任
  Executive Director of BGI Group
  Simon Heck   国际马铃薯中心(CIP)总干事Director General of International Potato Centre (CIP)
  万  青Melody Wan 荷兰合作银行亚洲区总裁Chief Executive Officer of Rabobank Asia
  Alexandra Brand  先正达集团执行副总裁Executive Vice President of Syngenta Group
  Main Forum 4
  全体会议 四
  17:10-18:20主题:如何赋能小农并使其真正受益Empowering Small Farmers and Ensuring Their Benefits                            
  主持人:李小云Chair:Li Xiaoyun中国农业大学资深讲席教授
  Senior Chair Professor of China Agricultural University
  Matin Qaim   国际农业经济学家协会会长President of International Association of Agricultural Economists
  陈瑞爱  Chen Rui ai温氏食品集团股份有限公司首席运营官Chief Operated Officer of Wens Foodstuff Group
  Bibi Giyose   非洲联盟发展署(AUDA-NEPAD)首席执行官特别顾问Special Adviser to the Chief Executive Officer of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)
  程  杰 Cheng Jie东阿阿胶股份有限公司总裁President of Dong-E-E-Jiao Group
  Essam Yassin Mohammed   世界渔业(WordFish)中心主任Director General of the WorldFish Center
  孙君庚Sun Jungeng想念集团董事长   Chairman of Xiangnian Group
  Osmar Ribeiro De Almeida Junior  巴西社会发展和援助、家庭和抗击饥饿部常务副部长Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and the Fight against Hunger, Brazil
  Maximo Torero   联合国粮农组织首席经济学家(视频)Chief Economist of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization(Video)
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